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ID号:596  发布日期: 2007-12-10    截止日期: 不限  地区:上海市 浏览次数:198



  公司前身中国科学院上海生物工程研究中心在生物工程领域具有较强的学科优势和技术优势,在基因工程、发酵工程、生化工程、蛋白质工程、微生物工程、实验动物学等方面拥有一批学科带头人。长期来,在生物工程科学研究中积累了大量实验技术和实践经验,获得了“K88K99中试工艺研究”、“基因工程人肿瘤坏死因子突变体”、“血红蛋白基因工程”、“基因工程重组鱼生长激素”等多项成果和专利,在国内外有影响的学术刊物上发表了大量论文,目前仍承担着国家和部委的科研项目十余项,基本形成了以应用性基础研究和中试工艺研究为主的科研结构框架, 为推动生物高科技与市场的紧密结合,进一步促进科技成果产品化和规模产业化,探索出一条适应社会主义市场经济发展规律并逐步与国际接轨的高技术产业发展之路,提供了研发力量。



        Shanghai CASB Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (CASB), which is formerly an pure academic institute-Shanghai Research Center of Biotechnology (SRCB) before the Knowledge Innovation Programme (KIP) of Chinese Academy of Science(CAS),is located in Caohejing High-Tech Developing Zone and Biological High-Tech Incubator Park of Xuhui District. Shanghai Institutes of Biological Sciences (SIBS) of CAS and other 29 natural persons share the holders of the Corporate.

        Arising from academic institution, CASB has powerful strength in R&D and commercialization. It is equipped with pilot manufacture basements for genetic engineering and fermentation, also the supporting facilities for waste transportation and lab animals house, some advanced apparatus for pilot research. There are nearly 40 professionals with senior and intermedium titles, among which a member of Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE)and 4 mentors for Ph.D graduate students are engaged. The company can also award master degrees.

        CASB has a couple of leading scientists in such research fields as genetic engineering, fermentation, biochemical engineering, protein engineering, microbiology and laboratory animals. For the long time CASB has accumulated a lot of experimental technologies and experience and acquired several achievements and patents including “pilot study of production of K88 and K99”, “recombinant human TNF mutant”, “recombinant hemoglobin”, “recombinant fish growth hormone”. CASB also got many papers published in prestigious journals. And currently, it is still in charge of over 10 projects funded by the state and ministries and a framework including both applied research and pilot study has been formed. CASB affords R&D basis for commercialization and industrialization of technology and is trying to find a way to connect market economy with Chinese characteristics and internationalization.

        CASB is established in the light of modern enterprises and has clear ownership and perfect structure of juridical person. Six sections such as logistics, R&D, market,, finance, manufacture and sales.operate well under the leadership of general manager. CASB also holds shares of “Shanghai Yuandong Biotech Co. Ltd.”, “Shanghai CAS Co. Ltd.”, “Shanghai Pioneer S&T Co.”, and “Shanghai Pioneer Investment Co.”, which create satisfying market performance at home and abroad for high quality products.

        CASB aims to become a high-tech group in biotech fields finally. It will take full advantage of R&D power, activate both tangible and non-tangible assets, exploit potential of itself, expand cooperation in diversified operations, develop new products and technological platforms, strengthen the collection of market information and train R&D team, accelerate the transformation from technology to products as soon as possible.

电 话:
地 址:上海市漕宝路500号
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